Monday, June 1, 2009


I can clearly remember, back in the day, when I was dating my husband... We had been dating for approximately 6 months and we were going to stop at Taco Bell to grab a quick bite to eat before we went to the movies. We waited in line for 5 minuets or so, placed our order and then I quickly reached into my pocket to pull out a coupon to use for our meals. As I went to hand the lady behind the counter the coupon, my boyfriend (Husband now ;) turned and looked to me and said, "What are you doing? Put that coupon away! " Using coupons for me, was a way of life.... Yet, to him it was an embarrassment ( I must say he has gotten a "little" bit better about using coupons! ) I view coupons as free money. Being backed with an MBA, my outlook on couponing is "a penny saved is a penny earned!" No matter what ones net worth is, couponing just makes sense. It does not matter if you have Chanel taste on a Faded Glory budget, or can afford the Chanel bag. Couponing is for EVERYONE! Couponing allows an individual to afford the things that he or she might not be able to afford other wise. Couponing also allows, for one to donate the goods that he/she might get for free to someone who might be in need. So check back frequently, to see wat sales and coupons you just might be missing! And do not leave home without your coupons!

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